Visualize in Full Color

In addition to flat planes, Photopia can show the light that interacts with any 3D surface in your model.

To the right is a pool illuminated with a red, green and blue light source. You can see the distinct colors and the color mixing that occurs where the beams overlap.

RGB LED shining thru a reflector with color separation on a chair

True Color

View the true color output on any surface or plane. This allows you to see any color sepration and overall light levels and uniformity.

The chair is illuminated with an RGB light source, showing RGB separation at the perimter of the beam and a well mixed center.

Delta u'v' plot to show color blending issues

Color Uniformity

In addition to the true color view, you can switch to a Delta u'v' view, which will show the numerical color difference. This will give you an indication of the magnitude of color variation.

You can see in the image of the chair that the color non-uniformity is highest in the beam perimeter, at 0.45 Delta u'v', which equates to a 450-step MacAdam ellipse.

false color plot showing illuminance magnitude

False Color

You can also set the display to magnitude and then view the planes as either grayscale (lux/fc) or false color.

Set Min Value

Set Max Value

Set Color Range

Set Smoothing

UVC Robot sanitizing a room - simulation false color

Absolute Magnitude

Photopia will include a bar scale in the rendering and then output the full results to a file so you can verify the magnitude of the output.

This simulation shows a UVC disinfection robot illuminating a patient room, with the W/m2 irradiance values shown for each surface.

Spectral Reflecance

If your model includes spectrally reflective materials, the renderings will take these into account as well as the source spectrum, showing the actual color of light that leaves a surface.

This image shows color samples illuminated with 3 colors of light, all rendered using Photopia. You can see the source spectrum impacts the final reflected spectrum from each sample.

Color Rendering using true spectral reflectance